Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Now that he's President, it's no time to roll over and fall asleep. The honeymoon has passed. 1/20/09 left us reeling, but now, we are drifting. Time to wake up and smell the garbage, hurling from the mouths of the Right daily. Their objective: to see Obama fail at ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, even if it means we, the American people who have no - or flawed - health insurance CONTINUE TO HAVE THE SAME. It's a crime, and each and every Republican (and Blue Dog) receiving kickbacks (yes, I used that word) from the Insurance Companies to trip us up should be voted out of office, or better, REMOVED, FINED AND FORCED TO WORK AT MCDONALD'S FOR ONE YEAR - if they can find one that's hiring.

It's time we step back into action. Let's get back into campaign mode once again. Phonebank. Call your representatives to keep the public option on the table, Descend upon your local senator's office and demand he/she take immediate action to keep the Public Option on the table. Email the media and tell give them a piece of your mind. Show up at town hall meetings armed with INTELLIGENT INFORMATION and present it RESPECTFULLY and ARTICULATELY, when one of the hateful fearmongers opens their fat traps. In short, DO SOMETHING. Or else, this health reform will not pass with the Public Option in it, and we will have only ourselves to blame.


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