Tuesday, September 9, 2008


1. Sounds like that cultish religion. Are we ragging on other people's religious choices (ya mean like the Republicans ragged on Obama, falsely calling him "Muslim"? And so what if he was? What do Americans know about the Muslim religion?) NO, we're just calling a spade a spade, and Sarah Barracuda, Rifle on one hip, 5 kids on the other, is not qualified to steal our thunder just because she has an infectious personality.

2. Refers to the Study of Pre-historic Dinosaurs and other creatures who roamed the earth millions of years ago. Sounds like we're referring to age, but we're not. But while we're on it, Politics is the only career one is not subjected to age discrimination, obviously, even when old men become raspy, forget how many houses they own, and can't move too well because of stiffness. Some obviously cannot SEE too well because although he was reading the monitor, and the words were really BIG, the speech McCain gave was slow, off kilter, and almost one hour long. What did he say? It was a tower of babble to me. And you?

3. Palin, that is "Sarah Barracuda" snaked her way into politics by making stuff up, using "fuzzy math" (Bush term, 2000) to back up her inaccurate claims. Barack, please start using the term "fuzzy math" which will cause all right wing pundits to have to show George Bush images to explain where the term came from. The image alone will be enough to remind us that McCain is Bush is Palin is Bush is McCain, subliminally.

COME ON OBAMA!!!!!! GIT CHICAGO-TOUGH with this GOP Cult, or they will
brainwash Americans like Rove did for the last 8 years.

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